Saturday, October 31, 2009


旧约 新约
Part A
1. 公主发现了摩西 (公主在河边冲凉)
2. 摩西听见神的声音 (The burning bush,着火的荆棘)
3. 摩西来到法老面前(Moses and Aaron stood before the Pharoah)
4. 神将十条戒命交给摩西 (Moses comes down from the Mount)
5. 撒母耳膏大卫(The anointment of David)
6. 约雅敬王烧掉神的话
7. 以撒学到忍耐(Issac and others dug a well)
8. 为会幕献上礼物(The people brings gifts for the tabernacle)
9. 过约旦河(约柜在前头)
10. 围在耶利哥行(Round the city of Jericho)
11. 波阿斯好待路得(两人在稻田对话)Boaz and Ruth
12. 妇人献上金钱(最大的两文钱)

Part B
a. 城墙
c. 带剑士兵
d. 跪下祈求

12. 约柜 - 外裹精金,内有法版

11. 会幕 (祭坛,洗 盆)

10. 捐得乐意的是神所喜爱的

9. 井,以撒,仆人,凶恶的牧人

8a. 耶稣召唤渔人

8b. 耶稣 使女孩复活

8c. 耶稣向众人讲说(福音书记载)

7. 应用:去打球 还是去敬拜神(主日学)

6. 打雷,下石头雨,


5. 埃及十大灾难

4. 埃及十大灾难

3. 埃及人苦待以色列人

2a. 乱闯红绿灯

2b. 在巴士车上打架

2c. 不听长辈的指导

1. 以色列人在埃及生养众多

Pack1### typed 31/10/09

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Children's Day

Wow! TODAY is 2 Oct 09!

Children's day was just over and gone yesterday.

As one age, we start to realise that time flies tempus fugit before we even caught up with what's happening. Yes, we aren't so happening and "in" it any more. We need to race to catch up with time, with this new generation.

Suddenly in the 2nd dozen (di er qi nian, every "qi nian" is a twelve year time span) year, I realised what is the meaning of "old"ness. Not that you start to grow white hair or beard overnight, but realising that you no longer have the luxury of "not knowning" "not caring" "not understanding" everything and anything anymore.

You suddenly find that you have to be responsible and take charge of yourself, you own life, plus sometimes people who need your reminder. Yes, YOU are the one, they need your reminders, your advices, your good attitudes to inform, to share life with, to influence knowing and unknowingly, and be an example to... and much more.

That's what teachers, or kids, or friends, or being a colleague is required to do.

Not asking that of another, but demand that from oneself. Am I the one who is a good helper a good neighbour? Do I carry the right mindset and attitude to work or to school? Do I share my spirit and energy with people around me ? Do I just keep quiet and selfishly refuse to deploy my talents for others? Do i pose to be a poison or a pleasant scent to those whom I deal with day-in and day-out?

Whether you and I choose to or choose NOT, we have no choice not to influence others.

Let us be mindful and always keep watch on our outward actions and speech, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, guard our minds, our hearts and intentions.

For, all the fruits of life, is from the heart. 因为人一生的果效都由心而发。