Friday, May 28, 2010

Preparation of props (Dao Ju) for Parent's Day celebration on Sun 30.5.2010

Tomorrow SC and myself will be at her home @ 5pm sharp. Together we shall prepare props for the children's performance on Sun.

Today is happeningly! the last, final exam paper for this term (which is one year). Though supposed to be very exciting, the ordinary me did nothing near "great" today.

But we had a nice gathering with Fazz and her husband (with his store's fabulous food). We wonder when we our gang of classmates would gather like this once again. :(

CP and MS should be starting to worry for her paper (one each!) in June for ACCA.

Though i don't like making props - using of resources for things to be discarded later - but the effect and how it brings a different dimension to the whole performance is commendable.

Thus, we gladly partake. May our LORD watch over our rest and may we have quality time, making quality props for our performance, our children's performance. May HIS name be glorified as we present him the best of our children. Tribute to SC who has been teaching and rehearsing with them.